Sep 17, 2014 | Testimonials

Dr. Bacon on SisterMentors

As women doctoral candidates of color, we face unique struggles, challenges and obstacles that must be addressed and overcome. In order to succeed in an environment from which African American women and other individuals of color have been excluded, marginalized or made to feel invisible, support and a sense of community are essential. SisterMentors provides the space for us to receive scholarly support, feedback and guidance in an environment that nurtures respect for individuality and fosters a sense of community. Furthermore, each participant is provided the opportunity to simultaneously support the academic dreams and goals of the girls she mentors. My professional and personal experiences on the road to attaining my Ph.D. have been broadened and enriched through SisterMentors.

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My Journey with SisterMentors

I still remember the day I discovered SisterMentors. I was 9 years old, and curiosity at that time played a significant role in my life. It was a beautiful spring day and I was spending it at my local library. I noticed a lot of commotion in the community room and...

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Emilie Boone, Ph.D.

Happy 20th Anniversary to SisterMentors! You have so much to celebrate! I have so much to be grateful for because of my participation in SisterMentors. It was really the relationships in my life that got me through the dissertation. I count Dr. Lewis, and the women in...

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Fanta Aw, Ph.D.

I knew Dr. Lewis and her passion for education so when I was getting ready for my dissertation Dr. Lewis and I reconnected. I was experiencing major writer's block, feeling overwhelmed, and had not made any progress on the proposal for several months. I had no...

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