Jan 30, 2018 | Testimonials

Happy 20th Anniversary to SisterMentors! You have so much to celebrate! I have so much to be grateful for because of my participation in SisterMentors. It was really the relationships in my life that got me through the dissertation. I count Dr. Lewis, and the women in SisterMentors who I was surrounded by, among my most important cheerleaders. Because of SisterMentors, I have a toolbox of self-care skills. Community, healthy food, yoga, meditation, etc. are all the things that I will turn to. SisterMentors has given me and repeatedly reinforced these important gifts to help me to flourish. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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My Journey with SisterMentors

I still remember the day I discovered SisterMentors. I was 9 years old, and curiosity at that time played a significant role in my life. It was a beautiful spring day and I was spending it at my local library. I noticed a lot of commotion in the community room and...

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Fanta Aw, Ph.D.

I knew Dr. Lewis and her passion for education so when I was getting ready for my dissertation Dr. Lewis and I reconnected. I was experiencing major writer's block, feeling overwhelmed, and had not made any progress on the proposal for several months. I had no...

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Judi Moore Latta, Ph.D.

I write this statement regarding SisterMentors from the vantage point of an original member of the program and one of the second set of graduates. In 1997 when I attended the first meeting, my situation was unique. Not only was I a graduate student enrolled in a...

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