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Ms Magazine features SisterMentors

Two decades ago, Ms. magazine interviewed the founder of SisterMentors, Dr. Shireen Lewis, in its Summer 2000 issue—and here we are again, just as SisterMentors celebrates its 25th anniversary this September. Read the full article on

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25 Years of SisterMentors – 1997-2022!!!

WE believe

that a Black or Brown girl’s freedom to pursue her hopes and dreams starts with nurturing the desire for higher education, being resilient, and of service to others.

WE build

powerful long-lasting relationships among women and girls of color from underserved communities and offer guidance and support — for girls: from elementary and middle school through college; and for women: from the dissertation to the doctoral degree.

IN the face of

deep-seated educational inequities, the bonds we seek to foster are one of the most powerful and transformative aspects of any woman’s or girl’s educational experience.

OUR mission

is to contribute to the larger movement for equity and justice — one woman and one girl at a time.

OUR goal

is to help women and girls of color to live in freedom and dignity and to pass this on to the next generation.

$25,000 Campaign

The Fierce Future Fund

In Fall 2022 SisterMentors celebrated 25 years of helping over 100 women of color to achieve their dream of higher education including Ph.Ds. in Math, Science and Economics — fields where women of color are underrepresented.

In honor of this 25th anniversary, our goal is to raise at least 25 gifts of $25,000 each for a reserve fund to sustain SisterMentors. One of the lessons we learned from the ongoing pandemic is that reserve funds are our lifeline during hard economic times.

Join us as a co-investor as we reach for another 25 years of contributing to the larger movement for equity and justice —one girl and one woman at a time.

Our goal is to raise at least 25 gifts of $25,000 each for a reserve fund to sustain SisterMentors.

We have already received 7 gifts for a total of


For more information contact:
Dr. Shireen K. Lewis

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