I joined SisterMentors soon after I began working on my dissertation in October 2002. A co-worker gave me an article about the program and I was immediately interested. What appealed to me most was the opportunity to be around other women of color who were in the middle of the Ph.D. process and share our experiences. After becoming a part of SisterMentors, I quickly knew I had found a community that was nurturing and supportive.
I completed and defended my dissertation less than a year after joining SisterMentors. I credit a lot of that success to SisterMentors. The program provided a structured environment that helped me manage my time and workload. It encouraged me to develop and complete both short and long term goals. I was also encouraged to voice any frustrations or fears interfering with my progress. SisterMentors’ women offered advice, suggestions, and sympathetic ears. There were several occasions when I believed I might have given up writing if I did not have the support of these women.
Working with SisterMentors also allowed me to give something of myself to others. The mentoring component of the program was a wonderful opportunity for me to be part of another community that nurtured and supported girls of color. Through the mentoring I was able to see that my experiences and education can have a larger and greater good.
I thank SisterMentors for all it has given to me, for helping me complete the biggest challenge of my life, and for the friendships it has brought into my life.